Contact CBDC Labrador
CBDC Labrador services a very large geographical area where some communities are accessible only by air or boat, especially during the winter months. Travelling to the regions can be expensive and monitoring clients can be a real challenge. But CBDC Labrador has been progressive in utilizing technology to reach out and to maintain connecting with new and existing clients across all regions.
You can choose to connect with us in a variety of methods:

709-896-5814 or 1-888-303-CBDC (2232)


Desktop Video-Conferencing: CBDC Labrador encourages the use of desktop video-conferencing through GotoMeeting and can easily connect you this way without requiring you to have any special software or skills.

12 Royal Street
P.O. Box 1089, Stn. B
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
A0P 1E0
P.O. Box 1089, Stn. B
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
A0P 1E0